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shiny and new

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Happy Friday my pretties!

Today I’m sharing with you some new things in my life:

1. New cameras

Diana from colleagues, Superheadz Yellow Peace from myself, hehe. So happy!

2. New hair

I’m sorry Snake! (the Korean hairstylist that cut my hair in Aussie, hehe) I couldn’t stand the frizziness so I went straight.

3. New job

Sadly, I’ll be leaving Katong and good ol’ Phish, these guys will always have my heart. My colleague Juli said that she wrote “See you” on the cake because she doesn’t like goodbyes. So sweet eh? (cake from Awfully Chocolate)

4. New family

Yep, my mom got married recently and I’ve gained two sisters and a dad! It’s been awesome having them and I’ve never had sisters before so it’s been quite fun! (: Cheers to family.

And to end it off, here’s a delightful video – It’s beautiful, haunting and ephemeral all at the same time and it made my day. I hope you like it too. Have an excellent weekend lovelies!

video by Jean-Sebastien Monzani