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Archive for the ‘it felt like a lifetime ago, but it was today’ Category

the brutality of half-truths

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Something that made me smile.

Image credit

Oh and happy new year!

Written by Nabilah

January 3, 2012 at 11:28 pm


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Hi lovely biscuits! Yesterday I got a bit of disappointing news. Some of you might know (if you follow me on Twitter, if not add me at @nabbycat) that I was involved in Short + Sweet Singapore which is a festival which presents 10-minute plays. I registered to be a director, picked my script, conducted auditions for actors, picked the cast for my piece, had rehearsals, was planning my lighting and set design and so forth, and all these within the span of a couple of weeks. Though there was really a time crunch and it was quite stressful, I was actually really looking forward to seeing the result of my rehearsals with my cast. The performance was scheduled for next week, that is, until the organisers decided to cancel the entire show. And this, one week before opening night.

Well, let’s just say I was shell-shocked. Especially when you are told that the reason behind the sudden cancellation is “due to unforeseen circumstances”. Shock soon turned into anger, then disappointment and now, resignation. The good news is that there is a chance that all the work my actors and I put in might not be in vain, there might be an alternative platform to showcase our work sometime next year, so all is not lost. Also I have decided to think positive and take stock of all the things I learnt from the experience – being in charge of how rehearsals go, sharing my vision with my actors and having them trust me, these were things completely new to me and quite amazing experiences in and of themselves.

Sorry for that long story but thought I’d document my thoughts during this whole period. Anyway, I decided to turn to my blog to cheer myself up since I haven’t really done that in a while. It’s kind of like blog therapy in a way. Looking for nice images and reading blogs can be a really good source of comfort – it’s like you can curate your own source of happiness. Here are some visuals that caught my fancy, enjoy! It’s really a hodgepodge of images but I guess that’s probably just my state of mind tonight.










Thanks for listening (reading) guys!

Written by Nabilah

November 25, 2011 at 12:04 am

one year on

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So this is how it ends.

Mereka it’s been a pleasure to have been part of you, and like they say this is not the end of the road for us. Some of us may embark on new journeys after this, in fact, all of us will, but we do so knowing that we have been part of something bigger. Something that was so intrinsically part of us that we did not realise it.

I did not realise it till I departed the gates of the abandoned building that I still do not know the name of. A space that seemed so daunting at first, but soon became so familiar that I left it in tears. A space that, when filled with the sounds of Irfan playing the takbir on the flute, made it feel so sadly beautiful and so appropriate given that it was Mereka’s last official day being together.

Is it silly of me to say that I don’t know how to let go? Perhaps I am inexperienced in such matters. But I’d like to think that this one year has been special for all of us. There have been so many moments..happy ones, funny ones, frustrating ones, proud ones…so many others you can’t place an emotion on. Let’s hold on to them while we are out there doing great things. Because we will be out there doing great things.

Lastly, I thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Tini, Asyikin, Izzaty, Mo, Hammy, Nabila T, Hafiz, Li, Ruzaini, Khalid, Ezzat, Hazwan, Bib. For all the words of encouragement, for the support, the hugs, the inside jokes, the teasing, the food, the laughter, the strength, the moments of learning. I will not forget.

A special thank you goes to the amazing Irfan who puts in so much work for us that we sometimes do not recognise. Who puts in so much of himself into us that I know part of his heart belongs to Mereka. Who lets emotions get the better of him when it comes to us simply because we reside in that part of him where emotion sits in its purest form. You have been such an integral part of this experience, so if you look back with any feelings of regret, don’t. You deserve all the credit that can be given. Thank you for leading us in this journey, and for letting us lead you as well.

Like most things, gratitude is usually only recognised at the end of things, when they are almost too late, but credit must always go where credit is due. And I have you guys to credit for what has been an amazing year for me. I almost did not make it through that door to audition for Mereka so this has been almost like a dream for me. In a Sliding Doors-type of world, I wonder how my life would be like without Mereka and I struggle to even begin to imagine… Yet now I must.

Sorry for this emo note but my heart feels so heavy that I simply had to. And I know you guys understand.

Tok: “Hati kau rasa apa?”

Doktor: “Rasa sayang.”

Tok: “Sayang…”


it’s so easy to forget

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How was your Monday?

I spent mine mostly in bed, trying to sweat out a fever. Thankfully it seems to have gone away, and all that sleeping means that I’m quite awake now.

Here’s a few snaps that I’ve had for awhile now, taken at various places. Enjoy!

Goofing around at Strictly Pancakes (and yes, the pancakes were delish!)


My five little piggies at Books Actually (and their awesome exhibition, Nonlinear Division)


The ever quirky Little Drom Store

And last but not least, a mirror that makes you feel happy! At Wonderwool.


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Simple question for you today:

Has your week been going good?


or Maybe?


Image credit: Opinion Bag by Jing Quek, designed for Made For Sam, an exhibition of 40 everyday objects by 40 Singapore artists and designers. Exhibition on from now till 27 December 2010.

Written by Nabilah

October 27, 2010 at 12:53 pm

whisper as quiet as a mouse squeaks

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Overwhelming October, please exit stage right.

Photo credit: Gary Pepper

Written by Nabilah

October 19, 2010 at 11:16 am


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Thanks for participating in chai&biskut’s 1st giveaway! I had such a blast reading all your haiku! (yep, the plural for haiku is…haiku!) Winners will be chosen randomly because I just can’t choose 5 favourites! I’ll be announcing the winners soon – so sit tight!

I’m in the midst of putting together the lovely packages, in fact yesterday I went to Cat Socrates to get more stuff! (the rest are from Books Actually and Little Drom Store)

My method has been to basically buy stuff that I would love to receive – I’m actually a little bit jealous because I secretly want them myself, hehe.

Some random shots from the past few weeks:

East coast beach.

McDonald’s Deluxe Breakfast after the Army Half Marathon.

Colourful cake at my house.

Brother and father.


My wall, during the Week 1 video shoot.

“Airing our armpits”

Making of the unglam shot for the Week 2 photoshoot.

Cat, Sunplaza Park.


One of the shots that didn’t make it to the Week 2 post.

Perpetually sleeping cat, Changi Village.


Thank you to everyone who’ve supported me in the LISTERINE Bloggers Dare! We’re almost halfway into the challenge and I would be very appreciative if you could take some time to vote!  (click here or purple clicky thingy on the sidebar).

still here

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Hi biskuts! Sorry about the radio silence, I’ve been in a blogging funk recently (too tired, too busy, too lazy, no photos, etc etc) but here’s hoping that I’ll break this nasty spell!

Just some photos to show you what I’ve been up to:

Feiboy, Indie and Melly‘s awesome cake!

Awesome food at Food For Thought. I swear that Nutella Cake is heaven-sent.

Late night rendezvous with a cat friend.

Trying out a new teh halia place at Changi Village

Will blog again soon, I promise! (:

shiny and new

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Happy Friday my pretties!

Today I’m sharing with you some new things in my life:

1. New cameras

Diana from colleagues, Superheadz Yellow Peace from myself, hehe. So happy!

2. New hair

I’m sorry Snake! (the Korean hairstylist that cut my hair in Aussie, hehe) I couldn’t stand the frizziness so I went straight.

3. New job

Sadly, I’ll be leaving Katong and good ol’ Phish, these guys will always have my heart. My colleague Juli said that she wrote “See you” on the cake because she doesn’t like goodbyes. So sweet eh? (cake from Awfully Chocolate)

4. New family

Yep, my mom got married recently and I’ve gained two sisters and a dad! It’s been awesome having them and I’ve never had sisters before so it’s been quite fun! (: Cheers to family.

And to end it off, here’s a delightful video – It’s beautiful, haunting and ephemeral all at the same time and it made my day. I hope you like it too. Have an excellent weekend lovelies!

video by Jean-Sebastien Monzani

i got too much love, running through my veins to go to waste

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Fantastic day today, we hit the museums and caught the Cats of the World exhibition and Underwater World at The Arts House and The Testament of Tebaran at the ACM.

I haven’t gotten my camera back so the iPhone had to do. I guess it ain’t too bad after all, though I’ve had to adjust the exposure to make up for the poor lighting.

Haven’t really been in the mood to take outfit shots cos I’ve been uninspired as of late, but we had beautiful weather and I had the most patient photographer who indulged me saying things like “maybe I can lie down on that staircase and you take my photo from above?” Things like that which sound ridiculous right now.

Btw, those are the Lucyd Acyd leggings I blogged about earlier. I do love them but they elicit the most non-discrete stares from people, I’m pretty sure I won’t be wearing these too often because sometimes you just wanna blend into the background, you know?

Good days like this need to be documented.