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Archive for the ‘sartorially-speaking, of course’ Category

o brother

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Hi all! As you can see, I am slowly easing myself into a more regular blogging schedule again!

Thought I’d post this photo up because it makes me laugh and is quintessentially Najib, which is my brother’s name. He likes to come into my room and ask me to take outfit photos, or sometimes he shows me his latest purchase or asks me if his shoes match his outfit. Yep, that’s my brother for you! This time he came into my room and made me clean up the sofa area so that he could take this photo, haha! But I do love him though! He recently came back from Hawaii (for a school trip) and came back with a vintage Hawaiian poster calendar for me and a keychain with “Ohana” or “family” (if you watched Lilo & Stitch, you’d know) on it for the whole family. Sweet eh? If you’re thinking “Awww, that’s sweet that you’re so close to your brother”, well you’d be right, but it wasn’t always like this. We grew up fighting a lot, and I think I even *hated* him at one point in time, but I guess as we grew older we started to band together, especially when my parents got divorced and also when we helped each other keep secrets from our parents (haha). So yes, I have a lot of love for him, although sometimes I do wonder how it’d be like if I had an older sister!

How about you guys? Are you close to your siblings, or not? Or do you have a special relationship with them? I’d love to know!

Written by Nabilah

November 28, 2011 at 12:50 am

she’s in fashion

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I’ve gone and lost my blogging mojo. I don’t know how or why, but I did and it’s been quite a downer. Do you get one of those days? I’m hoping to get myself out of it, hence this post. I’d appreciate some words of advice if you have any.

Enjoy the photos, these were from the Topshop Style Scout finals back in May where my friend Liyana was one of the finalists, it was truly a lovely night out!

Cross your fingers that I’ll be inspired to blog more! Need to get myself out of this slump, pronto!

Written by Nabilah

June 20, 2011 at 4:40 pm

line up and put your finger on your lips

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I tagged along with my friend Liyana’s mini photoshoot, luckily I was dressed more happening that day, hehe.

Sometimes I almost forget that we’ve known each other since we were eight. We were good friends in primary school and used to play together in the same group after school almost every day! I don’t even remember studying. Instead, I remember all the days of block catching, re-enacting Sweet Valley High scenes, playing our own version of Pyramid Game and even going for ECAs together (netball, malay dance, I’m sure there were many more as it was cool to be in many ECAs back then)!

Sometimes it’s funny to think how we’ve all turned out. Me and Liy lost touch after primary six, but by some funny turn of events we all started to hang out with one another when we turned 19 or so. You know you’re good friends when the friendship just continues from where it left off.

Do check out Liy’s blog for more of the shots from this shoot. I really need to work on the posing though.

Ooh happy vesak day tomorrow guys!

Written by Nabilah

May 16, 2011 at 10:51 pm

good better vest

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Broke out the killer heels yesterday for Emily of Emerald Hill, which proved to be rather treacherous but oh so worth it, in the sartorial sense. The shoes I mean, not the play which was really amazing! This year I’m taking my love for shoes to new heights (see what I did there?), though I do wonder when they will invent a shoe that is not only high but comfy. Is that too much to ask for, Shoe God? And while I’m at it, why didn’t you give me nice dainty feet that don’t pinch in closed-toe heels and why instead did you curse me with an odd misshapen baby toe? Is there a podiatrist in the house? 😛

Anyway, have not done an outfit post for ages and suddenly it seemed a bit corny to pose for one. Erfen helped a lot though with on hindsight-funny directions like: “Look at the lift like as if there’s someone coming” or “Look at my elbow” or “Sit down” and me going: “But I’m sitting in the drain!”

Happy weekend all!

Shirt: Dear Sophea

Vest: Gifted by liy

Jeans: Uniqlo

Heels: Charles & Keith

Written by Nabilah

March 13, 2011 at 12:37 am

cats are nature’s alarm clocks

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Hey all, how’s February been going for you?

I’m loving it so far because I’ve started running regularly again to train for this, am incorporating green smoothies into my diet and I’m rehearsing like mad for my upcoming play, which I’ll blog about soon.

Have been up and about these past week, more so than usual. Even going to Orchard is a major event for me because I usually can’t be bothered to travel all the way to town. City Hall is usually the extent of my comfort zone, starting from my neighbourhood in the East, of course. Speaking of comfort zone, me and erfen spent a whole day in the West after catching the CSI exhibition at the Science Centre. So yeah, Jurong East, Orchard, we’re going places, baby!

On another note, I’m thrilled to finally announce that I will be writing on CozyCot on a monthly basis for the rest of the year! For February, the theme is on home decor for the new year, do give it a read if you haven’t already! (:

And now, to recent outfit shots…just because!

At Trans-cool TOKYO at SAM. I maintain that my messy hair was part of the look!

Red jeans, converse = comfort clothes. Outside the Science Centre for CSI.

Supporting the lovely Liy of Dear Sophea at Scape Park. My dress is from Dear Sophea, REPRESENT! That’s the little miss shopkeeper herself! Ain’t she cute?

On a separate note, my friend Ilyana of Teanoir is holding a great giveaway on her blog, and I just love the entries she’s getting, people are leaving really awesome comments! Do check it out here.

With that, I bid you good morrow (and give you a virtual curtsy)!



Written by Nabilah

February 9, 2011 at 10:23 pm

the beauty of the undercut is the ability for it to stay hidden, till it is not.

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Written by Nabilah

January 24, 2011 at 9:58 pm

maybe if I lie down real still, you’d walk all over me

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Despite the emo-ish title, this is a happy post! And somewhat related to the previous one too.

First outfit post of the year, this was what I wore to Art Stage Singapore. I guess you could say that I was feeling artsy hehe.

Top: Dotti

Pants: Bysi

Cardigan: Uniqlo

Shoes : Topshop

Photos courtesy of the beautiful Liy.

Written by Nabilah

January 21, 2011 at 12:52 am

downunder dress-up

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Hi lovelies! I wanted to blog earlier but my internet’s at home been super wonky so I couldn’t go online for a few days! Ughh but thank god it seems like I’ve managed to work around it.

So I’ve been looking at my Aussie photos and wondering how exactly to blog about them – so I’ve decided to take the safe route for now and present to you my outfits! I must say that it’s really fun to dress up when you’re on holiday, you can kinda throw caution to the wind and wear whatever you want.

Layered tank tops, jeggings from uniqlo, boots and my trusty green jacket. Hungry Jacks in the background which is their Burger King. We found this playground near the train station and decided to play on the swings!

Top from Supre, leather jacket from Benetton, tights, boots. Taken at the WWII memorial at King’s Park.

Tiger top from some random shop in Fremantle, green jacket from before, bandage leggings from lucydacyd, headband from diva, boots. I wore the tiger top to Caversham Farm, thinking that I might scare the animals, but as you can tell from the second photo, it was really the other way round!

Peterpan top from mama’s vintage (now defunct online store), jacket from Mango, leggings, boots. (That’s my mom!) Photo taken at Shoe Show, which stocks the highest, most bad-ass heels ever, which unfortunately I am not made for.

Mango military jacket, jeggings, combat boots from Rubi which I scored for AU$49.90. Photo taken at Sorrento Quay.

Still at Sorrento Quay, exactly the same outfit as before except with the addition of a hat I bought rather impulsively, hehe.

Black striped top from Valley Girls, inner white top from Topman, black skirt from stephie’s shop, headband from diva, pink tights, boots, green jacket. This was a rather out-there outfit that got me called “pocahontas” the whole day. Photo taken at the Cannington Sunday Market. The fries we bought from this snack shop was salty and greasy and just really perfect.

Black dress from lucydacyd, grey cardigan (a gift), belt from Supre, tights (gift), pink striped socks, boots. Photo taken at Riverview Drive on a ridiculously beautiful day.

And….that’s all! Phew! Now, to sort out all the other photos I took.

I collected my toy camera photos today, got a few nice ones which I love to share with you guys! Unfortunately my stepdad did not seem to like them, even after I tried explaining to him about the concept of toy and lomo cameras, sob.

Written by Nabilah

July 28, 2010 at 11:30 am

Squarey Mary Deborah Harry!

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Just a short outfit post, I wore my new Hansel dress to the opening of an exhibition on Thursday. Actually I bought it in January so it isn’t so new, but for some weird reason I kept putting off wearing it. I love it now! (: It was from the Squarey Mary collection, hence the square buttons and the angular design.

Photos from the lovely liyana!

Sorry for the spastic face!

No, we didn’t plan to wear matching outfits! Erfen’s shirt looks like an optical illusion!

This weekend is rather crazy for me, I went for my cousin’s wedding today and tomorrow there’s another wedding in my family = craziness! Plus ARG-GER tonight – I don’t even know where we’re going to watch it!

Have a great weekend lovelies! Check back with you soon!

And sorry, nothing about Deborah Harry in this post! Hee hee!

Written by Nabilah

July 3, 2010 at 7:49 pm

i got too much love, running through my veins to go to waste

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Fantastic day today, we hit the museums and caught the Cats of the World exhibition and Underwater World at The Arts House and The Testament of Tebaran at the ACM.

I haven’t gotten my camera back so the iPhone had to do. I guess it ain’t too bad after all, though I’ve had to adjust the exposure to make up for the poor lighting.

Haven’t really been in the mood to take outfit shots cos I’ve been uninspired as of late, but we had beautiful weather and I had the most patient photographer who indulged me saying things like “maybe I can lie down on that staircase and you take my photo from above?” Things like that which sound ridiculous right now.

Btw, those are the Lucyd Acyd leggings I blogged about earlier. I do love them but they elicit the most non-discrete stares from people, I’m pretty sure I won’t be wearing these too often because sometimes you just wanna blend into the background, you know?

Good days like this need to be documented.